Sunday, April 29, 2007

Barrhead 5k

A good turn out of Bellas for this great little race. My best 5k result in a number of years at under 20.30. Got to wait for the oficial time as I stopped my watch late -- not good with watches at finish lines. Well organised, not heavily oversubscribed and best of all only a fiver -- ye canny whack it.
PS Bit of a fly in the ointment -- there seems to be a big difference between the official times and those recorded by the runners on their own watches -- as much as six or seven seconds either way. There also seems to have been a lack of marshalls which led to the leaders taking a wrong turning at one point. Pity because otherwise it was a great little race.
PPS My offcial time was 20.34. I reckoned it was nearer 20.28.

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