Good Friday evening out at the above. Finished in a very satisfying 19.58 -- the official time was 19.59 -- I'll give them the second. If it is a full 5k then that's a new PB for me !! Small, but perfectly formed turn-out of Bellas. The ladies did exceptionally well taking first, second and fourth places, plus of course the team prize. Also good to hook up with my chums from the Clydesdale Harriers -- some of whom ran the 5k as a warm up and proceeded to run the 10k as well !!! Happy with my performance especially sinceI clocked a pedestrian 20.45 in the Bella President's Cup 5k the previous Wednesday. Followed Calderglen with a steady 12 mile run with my clubmates on Saturday morning.Pic courtesy of Calderglen Harriers.
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