Sunday, July 15, 2007

Crieff 10k

Beat my previous best by over two minutes in this fine off-roader. Weather was glorious and sunny but there was enough shade for it not to matter. The race includes a stiff 300 foot climb up Laggan Hill -- most of it is off-road on trails, fields and riverbanks. The final stretch is a straight run over grass to the finish line. Hugely challenging for the average mortal and great fun. Strathearn Harriers provided the usual feed afterwards -- sandwiches, tea and cakes. Instead of a medal we got an engraved glass and a miniature of whisky courtesy of the sponsors. You canne beat it !!!
PS I almost forgot my time -- 46.52. 2004 and 2005 were 49.04 and 49.03. Well pleased -- although the time is a secondary consideration in this one.

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