Monday, August 06, 2007

New PB

Excellent result at the Helensburgh Half Marathon on Sunday -- a new PB by almost a minute and a half -- 1.35.48. All the more remarkable since I'd spent the previous three days fighting off a stinking head cold. Ran a pretty steady 7.15 for most of the way alongside my pal Marina from Clydesdale. Made one tactical error, picked up the pace a little too early in the race -- suffered later and slowed a bit between 9 and 12. Recovered sufficiently to get back on the pace for the last mile and even had enough left for a spring finish -- of sorts. Happy boy !!!! Marina and Cath from Clydesdale finished ahead of me -- new PB's for both of them and Maddie from Bella finished not too far behind me -- a new PB for her.

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